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Cupping & Acupressure

Cupping & Acupressure

Cupping & Acupressure

Cupping & Acupressure

Cupping on back
Women receiving a cupping treatment


What is cupping? Imagine if an octopus tried to give you a massage, kneading and lifting tight muscles. As your body relaxes, circulation is restored, and you can feel space and movement where you once felt tight, stuck, and stiff.
There are many types of Cupping therapy, but all of them create a vacuum to lift and decompress the body. This is why Cupping is called “Deep Tissue massage in the opposite direction.”
When combining acupressure and cupping therapy, both compression and decompression forces are utilized to effectively release the soft tissue tension. Just like massage, cupping should feel good, and the pressure is adjustable from very light to very intense to suit the treatment need.


  • 放鬆肌腱/筋膜

  • 緩解疼痛

  • 加強免疫系統

  • 促進呼吸系統健康

  • 緩解焦慮 / 壓力

  • ​促進排毒

Acupressure treatment
Women receiving an acupressure treatment in Langley


Acupressure is a form of massage that is one of the treatment methods used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The goal of acupressure (as well as other Chinese Medicine treatments) is to encourage the movement of qi ("life energy") through the 14 channels (meridians) inside the body.
These are the same energy meridians and acupoints as those targeted with acupuncture. Chinese Medicine theory states that the constant flow of qi through these channels is essential for a person to keep their health. If this energy flow is blocked, the body can no longer maintain the balance that is needed to maintain high energy and deal with health issues.


  • 放鬆肌肉和緩解疼痛

  • 促進血液循環

  • 加強免疫功能

  • 調整內分泌系統

  • 改善睡眠和減輕壓力

  • 促進整體健康



Back and neck pain
Stiff muscles
Headaches and migraines
Relaxation and well-being


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